For Interim Managers


MWI gained comprehensive experience working in Start-Up Companies as well as in traditional companies.  Additionally, there is history for being a leader, project manager or employee. During all these activities MWI created and refined a leadership model which we call the 5T model.

What's behind?

Well, in a nutshell it is a guideline to lead a team in order to help reaching it's full potential. As always, methods need to fit to a personality and therefore must be adapted. What fits for one leader, does not necessarily fit for another. Still, MWI believes that everyone can take out the best of every method in order to improve and make a better her/himself every day.

What does 5T stand for? 

It is the mix out of the 5 different properties for high performing teams: Trust, Transparency, Targets, Tackle and Teamwork. This helps every single team member improving itself by motivation in different ways.

How to implement 5T?

The implementation of 5T is in line with the corporate philosophy and corporate goals. MWI compares and aligns these goals with the 5T model and, together with the company, develops fields of action and an adapted strategy to increase team performance. Of course, MWI accompanies this implementation.

Curious? You need more information about the 5T Leadership model?

Am Reuthsee 11
D-91325 Adelsdorf
+49 162 2553217