For Interim Managers

Interim Managers are also a Transformation Managers - wanted or unwanted!


In today’s business world, the role of the interim manager is far more than just a temporary leadership position. Particularly in the field of Supply Chain Management (SCM), it is essential that interim managers also act as transformation managers - and mainly it is even the purpose why they are engaged. Also, this is largely due to the numerous external influences that continuously require changes and adjustments.

Transformation in SCM: Necessity and Challenge

The SCM field is particularly susceptible to external influences such as digitalization, automation, and global economic fluctuations. Companies face the challenge of making their supply chains more efficient, flexible, and resilient. This is where the interim manager comes into play, whose task is not only to fill short-term operational gaps but also to initiate and accompany long-term transformation processes.

Communication, Persuasion, and Leadership

The greatest strengths of a successful interim manager lies from my perspective in communication, persuasion, and leadership – even in non-traditional leadership positions. These skills should be part of the "toolset" for successfully shaping transformation projects. An interim manager must be able to convince various stakeholders to accept and actively support changes.

For instance, the introduction of new digital technologies in the supply chain (look to AI, BI tools, Connecting the E2E-Supply Chain, Shopfloor atomization, Global Planning and prediction tools etc.) requires clear communication of the benefits and a convincing presentation of the necessity of these changes. The interim manager acts as a mediator between the technical implementation and the operational units affected by the innovations.

External Influences as Drivers of Transformation

Influences such as digitalization and automation have revolutionized SCM. Digital tools and technologies enable more precise planning, monitoring, and optimization of the supply chain. An interim manager must not only understand these technologies but also have the ability to lead their implementation and prepare the workforce for them.

Another example is global economic uncertainty, which requires flexibility and adaptability. An interim manager must respond quickly to changes and develop strategies to navigate the company through uncertain times.

Even cultural changes within the organization need a "cultural" transformation Manager from a pure hierarchic guided organization to flat hierarchies and engaging more entrepreneurship.


An interim manager in SCM is much more than a temporary problem solver. He or she is a key player in the design and implementation of transformation processes. By combining strong communication skills, persuasive power, and leadership qualities, the interim manager plays a crucial role in ensuring that companies not only respond to external influences but also actively use them as opportunities for further development.

Do you agree?

Sie benötigen einen Interim Manager für die Bereiche Supply Chain Management, Einkauf, Lieferantenmanagement, Logistik, Lager, Digitalisierung?

Wir können temporär Ihren CSCO, Abteilungsleiter oder Bereichsleiter ersetzen – das “daily business” wird unbemerkt wie gewohnt fortgesetzt. Die Einsatzdauer kann zwischen einer Woche und mehr als einem Jahr betragen.​

In need of an Interim Manager in all or some areas of Supply Chain Management, Procurement, Supplier Management, Logistics, Warehousing or Digitalization?

We can temporarily replace your CSCO, department manager or area manager - the "daily business" continues unnoticed as usual. The duration of the assignment can be between a week and even more than a year.​

Am Reuthsee 11
D-91325 Adelsdorf
+49 162 2553217
Am Reuthsee 11
D-91325 Adelsdorf
+49 162 2553217