1 year already - I can't remember where time has been gone to...
But when I look into my notes - In the last 365 days I had
While reflecting the last year I am more convinced than ever that doing freelancing is the right path for me. Why is that?
Lessons learnt:
So – first year passed extraordinary successfully - and I will go on to further develop MWI!
Sie benötigen einen Interim Manager für die Bereiche Supply Chain Management, Einkauf, Lieferantenmanagement, Logistik, Lager, Digitalisierung?
Wir können temporär Ihren CSCO, Abteilungsleiter oder Bereichsleiter ersetzen – das “daily business” wird unbemerkt wie gewohnt fortgesetzt. Die Einsatzdauer kann zwischen einer Woche und mehr als einem Jahr betragen.
In need of an Interim Manager in all or some areas of Supply Chain Management, Procurement, Supplier Management, Logistics, Warehousing or Digitalization?
We can temporarily replace your CSCO, department manager or area manager - the "daily business" continues unnoticed as usual. The duration of the assignment can be between a week and even more than a year.
MWI interim managers are experienced and competent with a special focus on people, processes and pragmatism. They are among the top managers in their field and have an appealing personality. As independent partners, they have international management experience at the first and second management level, are experienced project managers or proven experts. We are looking for such personalities for our network. We stand for a cooperative partnership. Send us your profile to be part of the MWI candidate pool. After submitting your application, we will contact you for a potential accreditation.