For Interim Managers

Interim Management is also Hands-On!


Suit and tie are not always fitting customers demand..

Last week one of my projects has successfully ended after 10 months working part time - and so the photo was taken in my last hour. Even though it was a fake photo with myself in the goods entry area it shows that Interim Management is very often about being "hands-on". And being able to do so very often decides about failure or success of any engagement.

What exactly is "Hands-on"?

"Hands-on" for an interim manager refers to actively engaging in the day-to-day operations of a company or project. It means being directly involved in executing tasks, making decisions, and leading teams, rather than adopting a purely strategic or advisory role. A hands-on interim manager rolls up their sleeves, working closely with employees and stakeholders, to drive tangible results and bring about positive changes during their temporary leadership or advisory role.

Why is "Hands-on" so important?

Firstly, it allows them to gain a comprehensive understanding of the organization's challenges, processes, and culture, enabling them to identify and address issues more effectively.

Secondly, being hands-on builds trust and credibility among employees and stakeholders, as it demonstrates the manager's willingness to work alongside the team and lead by example.

Thirdly, direct involvement helps the interim manager to quickly assess the skills and capabilities of the existing workforce, enabling them to make informed decisions about resource allocation and team restructuring.

Furthermore, hands-on engagement facilitates a faster implementation of changes and initiatives, as the manager can actively drive and support the necessary actions.

Lastly, being actively involved enables the interim manager to provide practical guidance and mentorship to the team, fostering professional growth and development within the organization.

So in a nutshell - "hands-on" is not just a phrase- it is the small but important difference!

Sie benötigen einen Interim Manager für die Bereiche Supply Chain Management, Einkauf, Lieferantenmanagement, Logistik, Lager, Digitalisierung?

Wir können temporär Ihren CSCO, Abteilungsleiter oder Bereichsleiter ersetzen – das “daily business” wird unbemerkt wie gewohnt fortgesetzt. Die Einsatzdauer kann zwischen einer Woche und mehr als einem Jahr betragen.​

In need of an Interim Manager in all or some areas of Supply Chain Management, Procurement, Supplier Management, Logistics, Warehousing or Digitalization?

We can temporarily replace your CSCO, department manager or area manager - the "daily business" continues unnoticed as usual. The duration of the assignment can be between a week and even more than a year.​

Am Reuthsee 11
D-91325 Adelsdorf
+49 162 2553217
Am Reuthsee 11
D-91325 Adelsdorf
+49 162 2553217